
What is it about housecleaning?

January 9, 2011

Cleaning house is not hard. It really doesn’t take that long, especially if you don’t try to do it all at once. Why, then, do I find ways to avoid it as long as possible? My mother has a schedule. Bathrooms one day. Vacuuming another, etc. You’d think I’d have learned to follow her example and do the same in my own house. Not so much. I thought when we moved last summer I’d have a fresh start and could get a routine going to clean more regularly. Well, that didn’t last long. New Year’s resolution? We all know how those tend to turn out. Right this minute I’m writing a blog post about cleaning instead of actually doing some. Short of paying someone to come do it for me, which really isn’t in the budget right now, I need to find a way to convince myself it really is manageable to do on a regular basis. I do laundry and help with dishes (Steve does most of those because I cook). But then again, if you don’t, you soon run out of clothes or pots and that provides motivation. The dust bunnies on the other hand don’t exactly bite you on the ankles to convince you to vacuum them up!

One comment

  1. If you find a method that works for you, please pass it along. Right now, the only motivator that works for me is to invite people over for a visit. Then I am forced either to clean or to be ashamed of the sad condition of my home.

    Shame. It works for me.

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